Joe Shaffer from Hidden Water Farms shares where our food comes from, and knows how farmers steward the land and animals. He grew up raising cattle, and now has cattle, pigs, chickens and a vegetable plot at Hidden Waters with his partner Tom. Joe shares what the term "Regenerative Agriculture" means, and why it's an important method in caring for the environment.

There is a growing trend in the US for farm stores. This farm store opened June 2023. Joe describes how that space works, and how they are finding their customers. They are probably one of the closest farms with a farmstore for Baltimore City. If you are local, consider visiting them, and shopping in their farm store. Support local businesses regularly, it is the backbone of our community. 

Considering getting to know our farms and farmers. Understand how our health improves when eating seasonally and locally.  A farmers' business practices and philosophies can impact the economy, the environment and to our individual health. 
