Let's scoot back to the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in the year 79. Pompeii was buried under a thick layer of ash and lava. A thick layer -- 19 feet!  Pompeii is the world's oldest archaeological dig. It was a gem of a dig!  Archeologists began digging Pompeii in 1748. Because of this volcanic ash blanket, scientists were able to see, literally what people were eating and drinking the moment the volcano blew. Remember your World Civ class we learned about the intact frescos and sculpture. This exploration is how “fast food” counters were held in tact…They were called thermopolia. They were for the poor and working class. The rich were fond of parties in their home--as if a series of catering events. 

One quick note. Several of Holy Guacamole’s listeners say the history of hospitality, laid out, is giving them perspective. Perspective on how they run their business, how they craft their menu, and how they craft the experience a guest has. Feel free to share your thoughts and reflections in a review, or email me, Martha Lucius, directly. If you need to infuse a bit of ancient history into your modern day reataurant, bar or cafe, you know I am always up for a project. Reach out. I am happy to help today’s founders and established restaurant owners. You are all doing remarkable work. 
