Holy Guacamoles mission is to support restaurants and owners. Today's show we have Chris Franzoni of EatmoreBmore sharing his professional opinion about Social Media. He is professional in attitude, and in knowledge. He has his own account, understands the industry and is familiar with content and social media's changing rules. 

Chris's underlying mission is to share and highlight positive messages for Baltimore restaurants. He shares ideas about the spectrum of styles social media can take on.  With the landscape changing so frequently, having a professional is appealing. .He cares and understands restaurant constraints. If you are hesistating he advices to be active, and build a plan if you are small. And when you have money to spend on social media, do it! If you can hire a professional, they will work with you cooperatively to improve your reach.

Here is Chris Franzoni's website. Chris Franzoni's IG.   Enjoy listening. Let us know what you find to be useful. We will be over in IG @holy_guacamole_podcast
